Digital Marketing Tips 101 | Step Outside Your Safe Place
When starting your new business venture, you probably have an idea of what and how you want it to be. This idea might not turn out to be the best one for driving revenue and you will probably see that one year down the line your business is quite different than where you originally started. Don’t get attached to one idea and one avenue. Try everything. This is especially our advice for startups, give it a go.

You will be surprised about what will actually work and what will not. What you have set in your mind as how it should be, might not be what actually drives paying customers to your website.
This might be scary. The digital space is an unknown for many, but if you are open-minded about what you try, you will succeed. There is also a lot that can be done offline. Get friends and family involved, use your network and put yourself out there. Gretta Rose Van Riel, founder of Dropbottle, Skinny Me Tea and Nichify once said: “ if you are not a little embarrassed about where you started, you started too late” And this is from our experience surprisingly true.
Interesting in starting, growing or building your business? Contact us today.